Is TOS worth watching?

Is TOS worth watching?

I grew up on TNG and Voyager, I even liked Enterprise (at least once it got to Season 3), and am working my way through DS9 (and absolutely loving it). There is a big TOS shaped hole in my collection. Is it worth watching, or will it feel too dated and campy?

How has Star Trek inspired you?

How has Star Trek inspired you?

Since I first saw the Enterprise-D pass through the deep void of space accompanied by Picard's narration of the Captain's vow, I became hooked on the Universe of Star Trek. Not just its cool gadgets, setting, or aliens, but because it is a beautiful vision of the future that I think we should all strive towards. Infinite Diversity in infinite combinations. A universe where everyone from the infallible Captain Kirk to the loveable hotmess Reginald Barclay has a place in humanity's future. Inspired by Trek and other heroes of my childhood, I knew that I wanted to one day help humankind in my own way. Here I am several years later in the middle of my undergraduate studies to become an engineer. And while it sure isn't as easy as Scotty makes it out to be, Star Trek continues to inspire me to give it my all in classes and be the best me that I can be.
So that brings me to my question, how has Star Trek inspired you in your life?