VOY S02E24: “Tuvix” — Actor Tom Wright deserves commendation for his performance.

VOY S02E24: “Tuvix” — Actor Tom Wright deserves commendation for his performance.

Imagine you're an actor (maybe you are) and you've been cast as a guest star for one episode of a popular TV series. Your task: portray a character that is a hybrid of two series leads (who portray characters of different alien races), an alien species of orchid, and a composite of all three with its own unique identity and desire to remain in this state. No small task.

All things considered, I think Tom Wright excelled in this difficult undertaking. He subtly yet effectively conveyed the speech patterns, mannerisms, attitudes, and behaviors of Tuvok, Neelix, and the new Tuvix whenever the script called for it. By convincing the viewer that Tuvix was his own entity, it really drove home the emotional impact of his "execution." Really thoughtful acting by Tom Wright.

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